AAFSA holds welcoming event for new African American students.

Ramon Flores, Assistant News editor

African American Faculty and Staff Association (AAFSA) welcomed incoming African American freshmen to campus with their Each One Teach One event on Friday, Sept. 9.


AAFSA held the event to provide the new students with information they might not have gotten at orientation and to help them feel welcome on campus.


Most of this information came from representatives for various campus resources, which included the Career Center, Health Services, Student Outreach and Referral (SOAR), and financial aid.


The students received words of advice from Dean of Students, Dilcie Perez.


“It’s not about perfection, it’s about showing up and doing, and it all works from there,” Perez said.


After the speakers held their presentations, the crowd listened to a student panel of six African American students, who spoke about their experiences and gave advice to those beginning their collegiate career.


AAFSA’s mission is to “address the needs of African American Students, serve African American Community, and promote African American Culture.”


“AAFSA works with Black Student Union (BSU) through a liaison, where we see what the needs are of the students, and see what we can do for them,” said Vice President of AAFSA, Ebony Wiley.

AAFSA’s president, Geoffrey Gilmore, stated that the reason for putting on events and promoting the group for African American students is “so the African American students on campus know that they are not alone.”