The 2016-2017 ASI Candidates

Students run for executive office and college representative positions

Andrea Martinez and Shanice Davis

Executive Officers


Joana Rodriguez

Running for President

“As ASI President, I will continue diversity and fair student representation at CSU San Marcos and at California State Student Association. I [would] also like to introduce a new student program [through] Tukwut Internship/Mentorship Experience, [called] ‘TIME.’ This program will serve students by giving them the opportunity to work and shadow professionals…We can help students, through ‘TIME,’ have a first-hand look of what their field of study consists of. The purpose [of] ‘TIME’ is to empower students with the confidence of their choice of study.”


Sean Heller

Running for President

“If granted the opportunity to become ASI President, I will bring experienced advocacy to the table. In brief, I seek to push three main initiatives into motion: first and foremost, I want to strengthen ties with faculty and board members…Second, I aim to increase community involvement…Lastly, I want to make progress on establishing a black student [center]. Although a task force has already been assigned under President Haynes, momentum relies on the compassion of our students and supporting faculty.”


Collin Bogie

Running for President

“As ASI President, I plan to accomplish a variety of [goals]. First and foremost, I hope to make ASI more transparent and ‘user-friendly’ to the majority of the campus… I plan to…[extend] diversity and inclusion into the rest of the campus…Another main goal of mine is to grow the connection between the student body and our Cougar athletics…I hope to see a collaboration of ASI, the centers, all the clubs and athletics in order to make our campus feel more inclusive and united as one.”


Aaron Herrscher

Running for Executive Vice President

“As Executive Vice President I would have to say I’m excited for all the position can offer and all the opportunities it can offer for CSUSM students. That being said, I aim to protect the already existing opportunities for students by making sure all…student life organizations are equally represented and financially supported. It’s extremely easy to let a budget slide and watch unallocated funds disappear due to to a lack of planning, organization and execution. That is why I vow to stay on guard and aware for the students of [CSUSM].”


DawnMarie Myers

Running for Executive Vice President

“If elected as Executive Vice President, I hope to empower students by making student representation a comfortable, open-minded experience; I would like to be a source of advocacy to all students and promote an inclusive environment in and out of the office.

The biggest goal that I have is to bridge the gap between the students’ level of comfortability and student representation. If students feel that they have the ability to exercise their voice on campus and a safe place to do that, then my goal will be accomplished.”


Yazmin Doroteo

Running for Executive Vice President

“Given the opportunity to be the Executive Vice President, I would aspire to interact with students more to show my presence as their student representative on the board. I would also like to integrate more diversity and inclusion in our facility because it is important that students feel represented by Board of Directors because all students are ASI. I personally want to have a safe space for all students regardless of gender, sex, religion, age, grade level status, economic status and most importantly other aspects in their lives that define them.


Christopher Morales

Running for Vice President of Student & Uni Affairs

“As VP of Student and University Affairs, my goal is to better inform our students on issues related to the CSU system as a whole. Whether it’s an issue related to the CFA strike [or] Student Success Fees, or…anything that impacts students from all 23 campuses, I believe it is in our best interest as students to be completely aware of what’s occurring and to be empowered in voicing our opinion about it.”


Rhiannon Ripley

Running for Chair & Chief of Staff

“It is common that students do now know what is going on in ASI, making my goal as Chair and Chief of Staff to make information about campus affairs as accessible as possible for students. In doing so, I hope students will feel more encouraged and more empowered to be involved on campus. Hopefully I can also stay in coordination with the Cougar Chronicle by inviting them to join and cover meetings, that way students who cannot make it to meetings can still be informed! An informed student body is a strong student body.”

College Representatives


Nicolas Pollino

Running to represent CHABSS

I aspire to set a great example as CHABSS rep and represent my college to the best of my abilities. I will also fulfill all of my duties listed under Code 106 Section 6 and complete them with 110 percent effort.”


Christopher Lee

Running to represent COBA

One of the main concerns that college students and graduates face is not being able to find an internship in their particular field with a great starting salary. My goal is to bridge the gap with the Career Center, the College of Business, ASI and reputable companies in order to find the right resources for students to excel during and after their time here at CSUSM…Lastly, I want to get our universities name out there because I know we are highly capable in competing at a high degree.”


Idayat Bola-Akindele

Running to represent COBA

I want to promote diversity in the college through classes, faculty members and events, [in addition to] meeting with students and getting their perspective on what the College of Business needs to do in order to serve the students well. I will take these opinions to the Dean and have conversations on how to make it happen.”


Carlos Morales

Running to represent COBA

I aspire to accomplish having more business classes online, expand counseling services within CoBA and continue to make events that develop professionalism, leadership and networking.”


Deyanira Hernandez

Running to represent CEHHS

I aspire to accomplish the following: educate/inform students on campus about the political side of our institution, as well as contribute in a positive manner to empower and motivate students to create social change on our campus. Additionally, I aspire to contribute to the board with new ideas and work extensively to enforce these new ideas to make our campus a better place.”


John Mejia

Running to represent CEHHS

I am looking to potentially be able to efficiently work and communicate well with other ASI board members to better assist students and staff on campus [in order] to bring more social equity within our university.”