Sigma Chi Derby Days raises more than $24,000 for cancer treatment charity

Tiffany Trent, Opinion Editor


As part of its philanthropy and its aim to make a difference, Sigma Chi raised and donated more than $24,000 to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation through its Derby Days fundraiser.

Derby Days, a week-long philanthropy event,  began on Monday, Feb. 29 and ended on Friday, March 4. Each day showcased a different fundraising event; these events included a cancer education seminar, a dance-off and kickball.

Greek life members also donated money themselves and asked family and friends for donations. While each fraternity and sorority hosts their own respective charity events, Greek life chapters united to contribute to the fundraiser’s success. All of the money raised and donated was funneled into Sigma Chi’s fraternity-wide site called “Derby Challenge.”

This is the third year that the CSUSM Sigma Chi chapter has held and organized the Derby Days fundraiser. The money raised has been donated to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation every year since 2012.

The Huntsman Cancer Foundation is near and dear to Sigma Chi. The founder of the organization is Jon Huntsman, a Sigma Chi brother.

Derby Days coordinator Justin Martin said, “As Sigma Chis we believe that the statistics of 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women and 1 in 10 children getting cancer is unacceptable. Therefore, we have pledged to raise $1 per person for the 1.8 million people who will be diagnosed with cancer this year.”

The Huntsman Cancer Foundation is a non-profit charity that provides highly specialized cancer treatments for patients. The foundation is associated with the Huntsman Cancer Institute, one of the leading genetics research facilities in the world.

For more information about Sigma Chi, visit For more information about the Huntsman Cancer Foundation and how you can help make a difference, visit