The future of Title IX
September 15, 2017
A campus wide email was sent on Sep. 7, reporting a rape which occurred on Sep. 3. The crime occurred at 1 a.m. in a student housing. The suspect is described as Hispanic male in his early 20’s, tall and muscular with facial hair.
The same day as the assault notice, Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos announced changes to the Title IX. Her changes would focus on the survivors and those who have been wrongly accused.
Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in education and it protects both males and females. Schools must have a plan on how to deal with the situation, if not, the school could lose its federal funding.
“The truth is that the system established by the prior administration has failed too many students, survivors, victims of the lack due process and campus administrators have all told me that the current approach does a disservice to everyone involved,” said DeVos.
It’s too soon to know what the changes are and how it can impact campus all over the nation. If changes do occur, it must fit into federal and state laws.
Title IX coordinator, Bridget Blanshan said, “The university remains committed to the safety of our students… and upholding students rights. No student should be subjected to sexual violence, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and students that may be accused of doing such have the right to be treated fairly”.
For further information on Title IX the 2011, Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) is available online discussing all the obligations schools have to follow addressing sexual violence.