Turn this year’s resolutions into next year’s conclusions
Collect memories in a photo format to help remember the material-free moments in life.
December 8, 2017
Are you tired of all the weight loss promises and “stop smoking” goals as New Year’s resolutions? As that time of year approaches, I encourage you to make your goals purposeful and reachable.
Last year, I decided to make the resolution of eating less meat. I thought that becoming vegetarian would be too hard, but now, 11 months later, I eat almost no meat and feel healthier than I’ve felt in a long time. My resolution became easier than any weight loss promise I’ve ever made.
I also promised to be happier, think positive thoughts and appreciate life everyday. I have had one of my happiest years yet, with success created by law of attraction. Optimistic thinking really does change lives. Thanks to the positive attitude, I’ve met plenty of new friends as well as gotten myself a job, besides the photo editor gig.
This year, my first resolution will be to eat even less animal products and hopefully go fully vegan by next fall. I feel that this promise not only benefits my health, but also benefits our community and the future of the planet. I believe this is a pledge more people should make, and could actually accomplish. You can even begin how I did and start with more vegetarian-like goals. Baby steps, people. That’s the way to do it.
My second New Year’s resolution will be to collect less clutter. A minimalistic lifestyle is another futuristic consideration. Lately, life has become about collecting clutter – things – usually things that take up space and don’t fill any purpose in our lives. What I mean by this is that I’ve learned happiness doesn’t come from collecting as much stuff as possible, but by being grateful for the small things and investing your time in people, not possessions. By the end of the day, our life, our things, will all be forgotten and people will only remember the person you were, not the things you had.
So on New Year’s Eve, make a resolution you can accomplish and be proud of, one that will end up benefiting your life and make you a happier, healthier human being.