REVIEW: Bobby Tarantino II: Logic’s triumphant return to turn up rap
March 29, 2018
Bobby Tarantino II, the sequel to 2016’s Bobby Tarantino, is the second mix tape released by Logic. Tarantino II is the follow up to his ambitious 2017 album, Everybody.
Everybody received mixed reviews from both fans and critics alike, earning a 65 on Metacritic and a 6.5 score from fans. After understanding the negative criticism he received on his last album, Logic set off to prove that he is still one of the most skilled rappers in the game today.
The opening track “Grandpa’s Spaceship,” uses popular television characters, Rick and Morty, to signify that Logic is back to his original craft. Mixing comedy with sarcasm was the perfect way to introduce the new mix tape; proving to his audience that he is still worth listening to.
From that point onward, logic utilizes catchy hooks and his usual lyrical flow to satirize today’s rap game in a clever and sardonic way.
He uses the usual tropes, such as getting money, buying expensive sports cars; to return to turn up rap display that most of how today’s “hits” are only following a distinct formula.
His most notable tracks on this mixtape include: “ Y u c k , ” “Warm it up,” “Wizard of Oz,” “State of Emergency” and “44 More.”
“44 More” brings Logic’s notable, rapid lyrical flow, which closes the mix tape with a weighty punch.
However, this album isn’t without its flaws. For example, “Boomtrap Protocol,” sounds like a poor imitation of Travis Scott, with auto tune and beats included. His use of the sample from Kanye West’s “Mercy” on the song “Wassup,” which also featured Big Sean, felt a bit lazy. Despite these lackluster tracks, Logic was able to make a solid mix tape which contained 80 percent solid tracks and about 20 percent fillers.
Overall, this album deserves a 3.5/5. Despite a few flaws here and there, the album is fun and a perfect example of how Logic is able to imitate and mock today’s contemporary artists.