Students send gun violence resolution to San Marcos city council
Provided by Estefania Fraticelli
From left to right: Estefania Fraticelli, Bailey Young, Kimberly Anderson, Kristian Carter, Ryan Casey and Hector Soto on March 27.
April 12, 2018
“… We were thinking is the city of San Marcos doing anything? We didn’t see it [gun control resolution] on the city council agenda. So, in 24 hours [we] got together a resolution for the city of San Marcos,” said Christina Simokat professor in biology and environmental studies.
On March 14 students Estefania Fraticelli, Bailey Young, Hannah Davis and Brian Person collected more than 100 signatures in support of gun control resolution in the city of San Marcos in Kellogg plaza.
“This is really just the start of everything. We gathered up some of my colleagues here and we collected some of the signatures on the days of the walkout. I spread out the word to my friends, everyone around school. I went to different centers, I was telling them ‘the national walkout is tomorrow.’…” said Fraticelli.
Fraticelli, Young, Kim Anderson, Kristian Carter, Ryan Casey and Hector Soto went to the city council of San Marcos on March 27, where they proposed their resolution to the city council members.
“In the city council meeting, surprisingly we got a pretty good response from them,” said Fraticelli.
The resolution ordered “that the city of San Marcos demands action from our State and Federal representatives to adopt stricter controls governing the sale, transfer, possession, manufacturing and distribution of all firearms, dangerous weapons and ammunition.”
In addition, the resolution asked for thorough background checks of all purchases of firearms, a ban on equipment that could increase the capacity of a firearm and to adopt waiting periods and proper training’s to use firearms.
The city council member’s response is still pending. Soto said students who have concerns within their area can visit their city council.
“She [Fraticelli] made me aware of the petition…it made me say something. We want to make students aware Kettle coffee and tea is
the place to be and when we did that they heard us, and I felt like we could make a difference, and students can too.” said Soto.
Fraticelli encourages students to participate by attending meetings “to city council. You can write a slip saying you want to make a comment…specifically about our proposal saying you support it,” she said.
Students can report any concerns in the San Marcos city council website