Editorial: Ring in the new semester

Welcome back, Cougars!
Hopefully, your winter break was fun and relaxing enough to be back in school, ready to get through the semester. If you’re new here, editorials are our little corner to talk about several types of topics from serious and controversial to light and funny.

Now that we are in our third week of the semester, you may have adjusted to your schedule and are (hopefully) content with your current classes!

We hope you’re prepared for legday everyday here at Cal State Stair Master. Have you noticed that our elevators are slow and people get stuck in them all the time?

On the bright side, there’s nothing like the sweet bliss of coming to the parking structure and finding a spot in less than 10 minutes.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, make sure your bellies are full, so your heart is happy. You can always count on the long lines to Panda Express to satisfy your hunger.

If you’re single, The Cougar Chronicle will be your valentine! Keep on the lookout for our next editions which lands on Wednesday of every two weeks! Our upcoming edition will be out Feb. 20.

We hope that you have a great semester this spring and that you enjoy future editions!