The Cougar Corner
By Franchesca Faggiolly
“She doesn’t speak Spanish.”
I don’t speak Spanish.
“Oh, what are you?”
What, am I? “
You look Mexican.”
I am Mexican.
“But you don’t speak Spanish.”
I don’t speak Spanish. “
What about your parents?”
They speak Spanish. “
But you, don’t speak Spanish.”
That’s right, I don’t speak Spanish.
I don’t speak Spanish,
But this blood runs through me.
I don’t speak Spanish,
And I like to think that’s wrong.
For my lack of commitment,
My neglect to my roots.
I’d love to sing in
,In my ancestors’ melody.
If they saw me,
Exiled from their full embrace.
Surrounded by all the sound,
Their hearts must ache.
I’m always in this center,
Straddled on a river stream.
I’ll fall trying to choose a side,
I’ll drown in this water.
Writer bio:
“My name is Franchesca Fag- giolly. I am a literature and writing studies major and I will be graduating spring 2020. Creative writing has always been a part of me. I have been writing poetry since I was a little girl. The poem Between is the reflection of my identity struggle I have experienced be- ing a Mexican American.”
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