In-person classes provide more for students than online courses

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While online learning has taught students about adaptability, many still prefer in-person classes.

Natalie Navarro, Assistant Opinion Editor

After over a year of virtual learning, CSUSM has allowed several classes to be hosted in person for the fall semester. To many, the transition may seem like a light at the end of a tunnel, while others may hope to continue distance learning a little longer. 

Personally, I am excited to go back on campus, as I was lucky enough to get one in-person class. 

Even though it takes place at night, it is better than having all online courses for the third semester in a row. 

Virtual learning was  much harder to manage than I initially thought. With the mixture of creating a new structure weekly and balancing both synchronous and asynchronous courses, motivating myself can get pretty tricky. 

Asynchronous classes are by far the hardest courses to manage because every aspect lies on the students. Some classes are more challenging than others, which can be stressful if you don’t understand the material. Additionally, our lives are unpredictable and can get in the way of studying. Asynchronous classes truly test students’ work ethic.

Synchronous classes are not as difficult, but they can be overwhelming as well. I have noticed throughout the semester that my attention span has significantly decreased, making it harder  to focus during lectures. Since I also do not leave my house often, the lack of changing settings does not keep anything fresh.

While virtual learning can be a lot to handle, it is not all bad. Several of my professors have been extremely accommodating all throughout the pandemic. 

Whenever I had an issue with an assignment or needed an extension, my professors were understanding and always helped to their best ability. Several professors also took time out of their lectures listening to their students’ needs. Their interest truly showed how much they cared for our success. 

Having exceptional professors allowed me to strive academically because they generously shifted some parts of their schedule to fit ours. 

Even though the school tried to ease some of the pressure off us throughout this unprecedented time, I still prefer in-person classes to distance learning. In-person classes give students and professors a connection that online classes cannot provide. Although Zoom sessions do allow some interaction within students, it is not as personal. 

In-person classes break all barriers to give students opportunities to diversify their backgrounds and connect with the school’s community. Seeing others participate in collaborative activities entices students to join along. 

It is much harder to motivate someone when they cannot see others with the same struggles. The barrier makes it easy for students to feel alone, as though no one can relate with their situations.

However, in reality we are all trying to make the best of this unusual circumstance. No one can be blamed for trying their hardest. 

Online learning has taught me a lot about how necessary adaptability is in an ever changing world. Everything we know can be altered in a second, and learning how to work around it is key for success. 

We do not have to necessarily like the change, but holding on is sometimes the best we can do. Hopefully we can have even more classes on campus next spring.

Natalie Navarro is an Assistant Opinion Editor for The Cougar Chronicle. She is a sophomore at CSUSM as a literature and writing major, as well as a theatre minor. After graduating, Natalie plans to further her education and become a teacher. She loves to read and play with her dogs.