Are you stressed out? Come to the Clarke’s Stress Management event Thursday, April 5 from 5 – 7 p.m. hosted by CSUSM professor Ileen Miller.
The event will teach students different techniques on breathing, yoga and how to de-stress.
“I am really excited. [Ileen Miller] is a nutritionist and my professor and is really good at helping you find a way to distress. She helps find what works for you,” Health and Wellness intern Julia Barnes said.
The Stress Management event is during the Clarke’s Wellness Month that helps encourage students to either get into shape or to maintain and/or gain a healthier body and way of life. Wellness Month lasts the whole month of April with a Wellness Fair in the middle.
The Wellness Fair will be held on April 17 from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. This year’s fair will include Clarke Wellness Connection vendors and organizations to provide information on intellectual, emotional and physical wellness as well as free food.
If you attend the Wellness Fair, you receive 20 Wellness Bucks, which act as tokens for the chance to win a mountain bike among many other prizes, such as gift cards and The Clarke water bottles. Also, every hour of working out at the gym from April 25 – 30, can earn you a Wellness buck.
To find out more about the Stress Management event, Wellness Fair or anything related to Wellness Month, visit