By Juliana Stumpp
A&E Editor
At the end of every semester, “Pause for Paws” is an event that takes place in front of Kellogg Library, where certified therapy dogs are awaiting stressed students to send some love their way.
The foundation that sponsors these college-based events, “Love on a Leash,” started in the early 1980’s by dog obedience instructor Liz Palika. She introduced the thought of pet-provided therapy to schools, hospitals, nursing homes and more. Palika’s intent for “Love on a Leash” was for these therapy pets to brighten someone’s day.
Bonnie Biggs, Board Vice President, has observed firsthand the effect these dogs have on people.
“UC Davis did a study that indicates that kids who read to dogs can improve their reading skills by 12 percent. I’ve witnessed this potential in kids who are shy about reading but loosen up and enjoy reading to toy dog, Koshi, and even show her the pictures,” Biggs said.
These dogs are privately owned and go through extensive training, but knowing a dog’s temperament is vital in the sense that they need to be able to give affection to a hospice patient or allow a group of kids to pet her.
“Given their ability to bring comfort and joy, colleges began bringing dogs to campus during finals. Emerging research indicates that the very act of petting a dog reduces blood pressure, slow heart rates and changes brain chemistry,” Biggs explained. “Students miss their own pets and some just drop to their knees to hug the dogs.”
Most recently, some dogs were brought to Boston in light of the Boston Marathon bombings that took place a few weeks ago to help the survivors and mourning families.
“Pause for Paws” will take place on May 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside of Kellogg Library.