By Faith Orcino
A&E Editor
“A Lot Like You”
Eliaichi Kimaro’s critically acclaimed documentary arrives on campus on Monday Sept. 30, at 6 p.m. In the film, Kimaro, a woman of mixed races, explored her father’s culture and traveled to his home country of Tanzania. As she recorded her journey, it took an unexpected turn when she sat down with her extended family members including her aunts. Kimaro discovered a dark history of inequality and violence between the men and women in the area, while also finding a separation between those in the village and those born in other countries. The project transformed Kimaro and her team as they worked. On the website for the film, Kimaro says that she “had to assume the role of storyteller.” While it was about her father’s family back in the Chagga tribe of Tanzania, it was also her story of understanding her own cultural identity.
The movie, hosted by the Gender Equity Center, will be held at the Clarke Grand Salon starting with a mixer with Eliaichi Kimaro at 6 p.m. then screening and discussion at 7 p.m. For more information and to view the trailer, visit
“Melting Away”
On Wednesday, Oct. 3, the LGBTQA Pride Center, along with the San Diego Jewish Film Festival and the CSUSM student organization Hillel, will host a movie screening of “Melting Away.” The film, directed by Doron Eran, deals with an Israeli family struggling with gender identity and later illness. After finding their son’s secret that he is transgender, the parents decided to abandon him. It would be four years later that as the father is sick with cancer, the mother requests a private investigator to find her son. The search would lead to a performer in a club named Anna, who is actually the son. Later she decides to visit her father as a private nurse without revealing her past identity.
Purchase tickets for this event through the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center either online or at 4126 Executive Drive La Jolla, CA 92037. Tickets are $5 and free parking will be available in Lot N off of Campus Drive, next to the parking structure. The movie will be shown at 7 p.m. in Arts 240.