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The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

The independent student news site of San Marcos, California

The Cougar Chronicle

Cedric Lansangan

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor

All content by Cedric Lansangan
The Academy Awards are no stranger to political monologues.

The Oscars reminds us that we’re human

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor February 22, 2020

The Oscars came and went on Feb. 9 with essentially no drama and scandal. Does that mean there were no calls for activism or political commentary? Absolutely not. The Hollywood Reporter published a...

Setting goals and addressing weaknesses can improve your work habits.

Spring semester brings a new chance to improve as a student

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor February 7, 2020

Not only is it a start of a new year, but a new semester too. A new chapter in our academic journeys. Many of us students, myself included, take it upon ourselves to improve on our academic skills set...

Smile through finals stress.

Remember to smile during finals week

Cedric Lansangan December 7, 2019

Finals week is nearly upon us. The question that needs asking, then, is not if you’re studying hard (which is important too), but rather: other than when finals are finally done (pun intended), when...

There are many different ways to celebrate the holiday season.

For Cougars, the holiday season has many meanings

Cedric Lansangan December 7, 2019

What does the holiday season mean to you? Chestnuts roasting on an open fi re? Christmas trees and lights? Giving and receiving presents? Quality time with family and friends? Alone time during a much-needed...

Not Anymore is a yearly training program that all students must complete.

CSUSM sexual violence training, “Not Anymore,” needs improvement

Cedric Lansangan December 7, 2019

CSUSM’s Sexual Harassment and Assault prevention training and awareness programs are currently ineffective. Understanding what it means to be a good man and person overall begins in the home. Without...

Questioning the alleged misconduct of a CSUSM employee.

CSUSM administration must change hush-hush culture

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor November 25, 2019

CSUSM has built a hush- hush culture to deal with controversies and scandals. The men and women of the Cougar Chronicle practice ethical journalism. What have we to fear so long as we report the truth? Speaking...

Belief in the supernatural ranges from person to person.

Cougars on the Run

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor November 25, 2019

Halloween has come and gone, leaving behind salivating minds bent on packing pumpkin pie in its wake. But despite the month of scares being over, I asked students about their own haunting perspectives...

Impressions Don't Equal Reality

Impressions Don’t Equal Reality

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor November 9, 2019

“If only people knew X about me, then they wouldn’t think Y.” Or maybe, “I’m not shy, I just don’t like to talk a lot and I like to have only a few close friends.” Perhaps you’re more of...

YOLO Is About Living Right, Not Wild

YOLO Is About Living Right, Not Wild

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor November 9, 2019

  You only live once. We’ve all read it on social media at some point, probably more often in its popular abbreviated form: YOLO. The problem is, despite however much we tweet or share or story...

To Judge or Not To Judge: Measuring CC Unit’s Actions

To Judge or Not To Judge: Measuring CC Unit’s Actions

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Writer November 9, 2019

  Do right. It’s the basic, fundamental rule that helps form the foundation of the fabric of societies. However, this seemingly-basic rule can lead to legally-gray waters in cases of vigilantism:...

Football Is Not Impossible at CSUSM!

Football Is Not Impossible at CSUSM!

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor October 30, 2019

The fall season is in full swing. With that season comes everything-pumpkin-related, ghouls, horror and what many consider to be the beginning of the holidays. For college campuses across the nation, the...

Summer Research Trumps Summer Vacation

Summer Research Trumps Summer Vacation

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor October 30, 2019

Doing research over the summer can be beneficial and valuable for future professional and career development.   No, I don’t mean the boring, dull, book research reports many of us had to do...

Well-lit walkways and paths are vital to students safety during the night.

Campus safety improvements needed

Cedric Lansangan, Opinon Editor October 10, 2019

If you walk on campus at night, it sure seems like the cost for light is at a premium.    But if you walk on the pathway towards the sprinter station and even towards the student housing and...

CSUSM's current lights out policy must be changed to accomodate students.

Late-night student needs should precede cost concerns

Cedric Lansangan, Opinon Editor October 10, 2019

Lights-out on campus is way too conversative.    That’s right, I said it: CSUSM needs to tone down their power-saving platform.    I completed my undergraduate degree at my alma...

Cougars must learn how to be Human

Cougars must learn how to be Human

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor September 25, 2019

Humans are social animals. The only problem is that we aren’t taught how to be effective at being “social.”   Regular social interaction is key to a healthy life. Thanks to technology...

A Tale of Two Science Halls

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor September 17, 2019

New CSUSM students have a hard time finding the right Science Hall at first.   Granted, being lost appears to be more of a familiarity issue more than anything else at first glance. New students...

Conquer your academic fears, Cougars!

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Editor September 17, 2019

Summer vacation is over. I know, it hurts writing that sentence just as much as it hurt you to read it. Are you one of those stu- dents who can’t shake the “summer vacation”-mode mentality...

Incoming president speaks to CSUSM in (open) forum

Cedric Lansangan, News Writer April 25, 2019

Incoming president and successor to President Karen Haynes, Dr. Ellen Neufeldt made her first official visit to the CSUSM campus on Thursday, April 11 since her appointment in March. Dr. Neufeldt will...

Make Spring Break Work For You and Your Grades

cedric lansangan, Student Life Reporter April 12, 2019

Sunshine. Tans. Family bonding. Time with friends. Parties. Fun.   All these words and more describe the typical spring break.   Spring break means a time to relax from work. A...

“I’ll Do It Later” Mentality Improves Work Output

Cedric Lansangan, Opinion Writer April 12, 2019

Procrastination.   A quick internet search for this common practice defines it as the action of delaying or postponing something.   “I can do this later.”   “There’s...

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