Students standing against racial violence

Jasmine Demers, Editorial Assistant

Students are coming together for an event in order to raise awareness for racial injustice and to stand together against repression.

The Black Student Union is a culturally based student organization whose goal is to educate the public about issues concerning African Americans and to build community amongst a variety of peers.

“Don’t Shoot, Our Lives Matter” is the event that BSU has organized for today during UHour in response to police brutality towards African Americans, specifically black men. Akilah Green, President of BSU, explains that this is a pressing national issue that needs to be addressed by the student community.

“We are advocating against the excessive use of violence towards African Americans by law enforcement. We want to raise awareness to this issue and show that black lives matter,” Green said.

The BSU is attempting to take these matters into their own hands and are spreading the word about these injustices.

“This is not everyone’s reality,” Green said. “Not everyone experiences the same things that black students do. So, we have to speak up even if it’s just for education and awareness. This is not isolated to just our community, it is a national issue.”

Green and other members of BSU are developing a plan of action and are searching for support from the campus and the student community. This event will begin at three different locations, including the Founders Plaza, the Library Plaza, and the Arts building. They ask that you march with them during U hour, wearing all black, to the USU Amphitheater and use your voice to bring awareness to this issue.