Sigma Alpha Epsilon gives Veterans a lending hand
Greek Corner
November 12, 2015
Sigma Alpha Epsilon is a fraternity on campus whose members strive to be true gentlemen.
One of their previous philanthropy chairs, Tim Kelly, told us that his main goal this year is to get more involved in other Greek organizations’ philanthropy events. Sigma Alpha Epsilon members believe themselves to be responsible for their community and the success of other philanthropic institutions.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s philanthropy goal is to have two events a month. When Kelly was philanthropy chair, he took that goal to heart, holding multiple events a month. Even though veterans are not one of the fraternity’s philanthropic priorities, Sigma Alpha Epsilon took into consideration how many veterans attend CSUSM and Kelly decided to support the Veterans Association of North County.
Kelly began an annual carwash to raise funds for the veterans of San Diego.
When Kelly was philanthropy chair, Sigma Alpha Epsilon raised $1,500. This money was donated directly to the Veterans Association of North County. The fraternity has also worked with the Wounded Warrior homes in Vista, building homes there for veterans.
O’Ryan Swauncy explained what differentiates Sigma Alpha Epsilon from the other fraternities on campus, saying, “I believe each fraternity has their own definition of brotherhood, for Sigma Alpha Epsilon however, we have a different mission and value which is to be a true gentleman. This is something we strive to achieve every day, and it is something that we cannot always obtain, and sometimes fail at, but it is a blessing to be able to live up to that standard.”