Town hall airs concerns over parking, student life

Campus activities, future plans shared by ASI Board of Directors

Pictured left to right are eight members of the ASI Board of Directors. Grady Mitchell, James Ferrales, Mads Elton Milsen, Rhiannon Ripley, Brian Newbury, Joshua Maffei, Carlos Morales, and Yazmin Doroteo.

Sonni Simmons and Cory Kay


Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) held the first “town hall” style meeting to give students a chance to make their voices heard.

Wanting to ensure accurate student representation, ASI allowed attendees of the meeting, held Nov. 5 during U-hour, to express concerns, inquire about future programs and propose solutions to current campus issues.

ASI is the combination of the Board of Directors, Campus Activities Board, Gender Equity Center and the LGBTQA Pride Center and acts as CSUSM’s student government. Through the development of outreach programs and the formation of committees, ASI enhances students’ experience on campus.

“These committees are the vehicles that we use to kind of push… forward whatever concerns the student body has,” said ASI Veterans Student Representative, Brian Newbury.

After an introduction of the purpose and goals of ASI, the audience was given the floor to express concerns and ask questions.

A College of Business Administration (CoBA) student began by proposing a solution for the issue of inefficient traffic flow when entering and exiting the parking structure.

“People that live at the dorms, they’re allowed to park on the first and second floors all the time, and some of them don’t move their cars for maybe two or three months,” said the student. “So… what if we had [them] be parked on the fifth floor, so that the first and second floors are constantly rotating?”

The student also point out that the fifth floor would be the best option because it is also covered so students’ cars are not out in the open.

Another CoBA student inquired about future programs for the university.

One program mentioned by the ASI College of Business Representatives is a mentoring program within CSUSM. This program, according to the representatives, is planned to double in size during the next school year.

All of the programs ASI plans to hold in the future, including this fall’s The Ball, are concerned with raising awareness and encouraging student involvement in campus activities.
Students who attended this event also inquired about SIRF, the voluntary $2 fee charged each semester in order to remain represented among the California State Student Association (CSSA), that went into effect this fall.

The Board of Directors explained the implementation of this fee, which replaced the CSSA’s previous funding, including membership dues, fundraising and Chancellor’s Office grants.

“It’s a representation fee to get student’s voices heard, not only on campus but nationwide,” said Tiffaney Boyd, ASI President.

Another student brought up the notion of serving alcohol to drinking-age students at campus events. Boyd said this is a possibility for the future, once a policy is decided upon and executed.

“[CSUSM officials] want to make sure everything is in place with risk management,” said Boyd.

The Vice President of Student Affairs, Lorena Meza, said that officials at CSUSM are observing other campuses that serve alcohol to students and will use these schools as a model for future policy change. The growth of CSUSM has much to do with this policy re-evaluation, said Meza.

ASI has plans to hold open meetings on a regular basis to ensure that all CSUSM students have equal opportunity to ask questions and present concerns to their student government.