Do you believe in miracles?

Ciara Walker, Assistant Features Editor


I grew up in a religious household, so I believed in the miracles that were recorded in the Bible as a young child. As I got older, I started to question if those things really happened. Maybe it is the result of me taking too many science classes in pursuit of a career in Nursing. I found myself feeling conflicted about how people were brought back from death, how water was turned into wine, how the multitude was fed, the Red Sea was split, etc. If those things happened back then  as I have believed all of my life, why hasn’t a miracle of that magnitude happened for present day people?

I’ve heard testimonies and stories about miracles, but who’s to say those people were telling the truth? In the novel-turned-movie, “Heaven is For Real,” a four-year-old visits heaven during an emergency appendectomy. The novel, “The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven,” told the story of a six-year-old boy who was in a terrible car accident and visited heaven while in a coma. The little boy later came forward and said the whole story was a lie.  I did not believe in miracles until I received one.

In 2013, I scheduled my husband for a routine physical exam. The doctor requested that we come in to the office for his lab results. In a straight-forward manner, our physician said my husband needed a new liver.  This wasn’t in the plan.  I knew that he drank socially but he was not an alcoholic or a heavy drinker so it did not make any sense to me. The follow up appointment was to be a week later, which happened to fall on my birthday. I prayed every day and fasted until the day of the appointment. We went back and the doctor said it was nothing short of a miracle that his new lab results were within normal range. I saw the initial results myself, so I know prayer changed the outcome. It’s important to mention that he did not take any medication. The doctor said she has never seen that happen before and was actually ready to refer him to a specialist.

If that were not enough for me to believe in miracles, I persuaded my husband to go to an urgent care one night and we found out he was having a mild heart attack. Had we not made it to the urgent care facility and the Emergency Room subsequently, I don’t know if he would be here today.

So, it did not take any more scares for me to believe in miracles. Every day that I get to see my husband is proof that miracles are real and that they are still happening because he is a walking miracle.