Who cares about relationships?

Treat yourself this Valentine’s Day

Lex Garcia, Assistant Features Editor

All singles know that Feb. 14 is the day that makes us cringe. The idea of all those couples cuddling and kissing –­­ Yuck!

Even when I was in a relationship I never celebrated Valentine’s Day. So, what did I do? Whatever I wanted. In my head, Valentine’s Day is Treat-­Myself­-to­-Whatever-­I-­Want Day.

In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with spending a pretty penny on yourself here and there. Go out and buy yourself that new gaming system or that really nice pair of shoes you want. Buy yourself a Michael Kors bag or a bunch of makeup from Mac or Sephora.

If you’ve been working hard, there’s nothing wrong with spending money on yourself. You worked over 40 hours? Go treat yourself; you deserve it. You got all A’s on your midterms? Go treat yourself. Just like Zayn Malik said, “Just because you do not have a prince, does not mean you are not a princess.”

I am not saying in order to treat yourself you have to spend money. Have an at home spa day. Have a nice dinner, and then take a relaxing bath. Go to the gym for hours because that is what you love to do. Do whatever it is you enjoy.

Last year my ex-­boyfriend and I decided that instead of smothering each other all day, we should spend the day apart relaxing and trying to clear our minds. He slept in, then went to the beach with his best friend. After that he went to the gym, then bought himself some Chipotle and finally went home and watched “The Walking Dead” on Netflix.

I spent my day with friends. I went to breakfast, to the mall, to my friend’s house, and after that, I came home, made myself some dinner and took a bath. It was one of the most relaxing days I had had in awhile. Because I knew the day was to be all mine, I woke up that morning in a great mood. Now that Valentine’s Day, 2016 is right around the corner, I’m anticipating another day of relaxation.