How my abuelita has taught me compassion

Alejandro Picasso, Editorial Assistant


There have been many people that have had a great, positive influence in my life but when I think of someone that truly inspires me, I can think of no one other than my grandmother.

For those who know me, they understand that I all I want to do is help people. I get that quality and compassion to help others from my grandmother. She always sees the good in people. She worries about the people she knows nothing about.

It is that compassion, that level of love, that seems to be disappearing in our complicated world. The day compassion dies in people’s hearts is the day I fear the most. Even when it seems there is no hope for compassion, I will not surrender to the supposed end. As she has never stopped caring for those around her, known and unknown, neither will I. I know the time of her compassion and love will set one day, but I hope to carry her compassion and her love, and spread it to those around me in whatever way I can.

If you’re hungry, she’ll make you food. If you’re cold, she’ll find you a blanket. If you’re sick, she’ll get you a 7 Up. If you want someone to aspire to, she will always be that role model you will look up to. I think a lot about the man I am and the man I want to become, but all that comes to mind is the woman that has lived a righteous life. She inspires me every second of my life, and there is not anyone who means more to me than her. Te amo abuelita.