President Haynes discusses budget, campus issues

Karen Ambrocio, News Editor

CSUSM President Karen Haynes held a forum during U-hour on Sept. 9 in the Performance Arts Building, to discuss the university’s budget, graduation rates, diversity awards and free speech.


For the 2016-17 academic year, the university has not received as much funding from the state as in previous years, Haynes said. Last November, the university requested a $297.6 million budget, however, in June of this year, the governor approved $154 million.


The budget can be viewed at


“What our dollar amount today at Cal State San Marcos represents is about where we were in 2008,” said Haynes.


For the 2008-09 academic year, the total state appropriation was $67.2 million. The state appropriation for the 2016-17 school year is $75.8 million.


The Student Academic Success fees have been in place for four years. This year, total SAS fees of $1.4 million were collected. One million dollars went to Academic Affairs for instruction and the other $400,000 to academic support student services, according to Haynes.


The Board of Trustees will finalize the budget and make a case to the governor asking for the amount the university needs, Haynes said.


One-time funds in the budget have been allocated for the Black Student Center, hiring the center’s director, instruction and maintenance of information management technology across the campus.


Haynes also discussed the four-year graduation rate is at 30 percent for incoming first year students.


Haynes pointed out a few reasons why students aren’t graduating in four years. One of these reasons is that students work and study simultaneously, taking only 12 units every semester.


“The financial reality is … states have been disinvesting in higher education for a long time,” said Haynes.


Haynes also announced the two diversity awards the school won for its diverse resource centers, students and staff.


With the new Abortion No group’s presence on campus, Haynes discussed the importance of free speech and what precautions are taken.


“We’re going to try to be more proactive, reminding people about free speech, reminding people the right where to protest is and where disruption begins,” said Haynes.


Haynes ended the forum by saying, “It is our job to educate and… say how in the world can this state not invest in this incredible [CSU] system that literally transforms lives and transforms the state of California.”