The Chronicle entertainment rundown

Annelisa Zamora, A&E Editor

PODCAST: “My Favorite Murder” Hosted by comedians Georgia Hardstark and Karen Kilgariff, “My Favorite Murder” is a true crime podcast that covers all things murder; from high profile serial killers to small hometown murder stories. Hardstark and Kilgariff discuss the cases, what they find interesting about them and, usually, how frustrating the poor state of the justice system from the 70’s to the 90’s was. This podcast is not for the faint of heart, but it’s certainly interesting for those that don’t condone murder but are fascinated by the history of it
SHOW: Sex Education The Netflix original was released Jan. 11 and
stars Gillian Anderson, Asa Butterfield and a
cast full of fresh faces. Sex Education follows a
socially awkward high school student who be-
comes the school’s underground sex therapist.
The show is funny, heart warming and sheds
light on the need for openness and communication when it comes to sex and all things related.
VIDEO GAMES: Kingdom Hearts III The long awaited 12th installment of the Kingdom Hearts series, and sequel to Kingdom Hearts II, was finally released Jan. 29. The game explores the world of Disney and Pixar through the main protagonist, Sora, and his journey defeating the “heartless” and, ultimately, Xehanort. The game offers new combat options, including summoning classic Disneyland rides, to aid in the defeat of your enemies. Kingdom Hearts III is sure to hit hard with nostalgia and be a fun gameplay experience.
Album: Heard it in a Past LifeMaggie Roger’s debut album, Heard it in a Past Life, was released Jan.18 and is set to top the Billboard 200 music chart at number two. Roger’s songs seamlessly merge elements of indie acoustic sounds with the electronic fl ares of dance music. My favorite songs from the album are “Overnight,” “The Knife” and “Say it.” Whether you’re dancing with friends or singing alone in the shower, this album is sure to fit the mood.