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I’ve been seeing this girl for a few months. I really like her but my parents are very unhappy. Though my family has not met her, they constantly tell me to stop seeing her. What do I do?
-Girls come and go but family is forever. What you need to do is find out the reasons why your parents are displeased with the idea of you dating this girl. For example, does she have any bad habits? Open up the idea of having her come over for a family dinner, and let your parents get to know her. Perhaps her bonding with your parents and spending some quality time will make your parents come to accept her. Beware, and don’t ignore your parents’ opinion. At the end of the day, they have your best interests at heart and want you to be happy.
I’ve got a girlfriend who’s going to move in with me soon and money is going to be tight. The problem is she’s a bit of a shopaholic. I don’t want this to get in the way of our relationship or cause any financial problems. Is there anything I can do to slow her shopping habit down?
-Now that she’s moving in with you, her problem becomes your problems and vice versa. I suggest sitting down with her and going over budget constraints. I would stay away from bringing up her shopping habit and rather tackle it is a couple. For example, plan a “bargain” shopping trip with her once a month. This is something that you can both do without sacrificing her shopping habits and putting financial constraints for yourself.
I recently slept with a guy in my class and he has not paid attention to me since. I’ve tried talking to him but he keeps ignoring me, and wont return my calls. Why won’t he return my calls?
-He isn’t returning your calls because he is no longer interested. You gave him the one thing that he probably wanted, which is sex. Since you gave him sex before getting to know you, he no longer has any desire to continue the relationship. Next time, try having someone get to you on a personal level before any physical activity.
I am currently single and have two guys at work that want to date me. I like them both but don’t want to hurt the other guy’s feelings by choosing. What should I do?
-You must make a choice. I suggest getting to know both of the guys and form a friendship before choosing which one to get involved with. As you form friendships with them and get to know them, choose the better guy that share the same family values and fits your current lifestyle. As flattering as it sounds to have two guys fighting for your love and attention, don’t be selfish and string both guys along for a ride. Make a choice.
My best friend is a guy I have known for three years is “in love” with me but I just want to be friends. Now I think that I am falling “in love” with him but he is no longer available? What should I do?
-You have to realize that being in love with your best friend who can’t reciprocate the same feeling is hard to deal with and that’s probably why he has moved on to a different relationship. Don’t dwell on the past, and focus on the present. If you both are meant to be together, you both will cross paths again.
My boyfriend has asked me whether I would want to help him with an investment. I am contemplating of giving him money to help him but I am not sure.
-In my opinion, money is something that can ruin any relationship. You work hard for your money and should invest in something that will benefit you in the future. This is your current boyfriend and unless there is a permanent future with him; I don’t see any reason why you should invest your money in his business investment. Never mix business with pleasure, someone will end up getting burned.
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