As part of the Centers for Learning and Academic Support Services (CLASS), the Language Learning Center (LLC) is a convenient and helpful place to learn, study and receive support in foreign language study at CSUSM.
The LLC is open Monday – Thursday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. in University Hall 240 and 260. The LLC’s resources range from student tutors, to computer stations equipped with DVD and VCR players, recorders and language software. If you are unsure about the LOTER (Language Other Than English Requirement), the LLC is the place with answers. The LLC works with the Modern Language Studies department to offer single subject waivers and summer study abroad options. Contact the LLC for more information by email, llc@csusm. edu, or phone, (760) 750-8058.
Do you consider yourself bilingual and/or speak a language other than English at home or with friends? The Language Learning Center now offers free academic writing sessions for multi-lingual students. These workshops are a great way to enhance existing writing skills to a university-level setting. Starting on Monday, Feb. 28, small-group sessions will meet once a week for six weeks with additional oneon- one meetings with a skilled writing instructor. Sign-up forms are located at the LLC in UH 240 or online at
Are you taking language classes at Palomar? The LLC has recently acquired copies of Palomar textbooks for Spanish, German, French, Arabic and Japanese 101, 102 and 201 foreign language classes. Not only are CSUSM students welcome to use these books, but there is also free peer tutoring in those classes for CSUSM students whether they are taking classes at Palomar or CSUSM. To make an appointment, go to and click “Student Resources” and see more of the center’s resources. The Student Resources page also includes a link to the Kellogg Library’s Modern Languages Research Guide, which lists other books besides assigned textbooks, dictionaries, pronunciation guides and reference works that may be of use to students.
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Laura Marie • Feb 22, 2011 at 5:13 pm
What a very clever title to this excellent article. The writing style is sophisticated and polished. Brava!!!