From Feb. 18 – April 18, 2011, our campus celebrates Holocaust survivors with a black and white photo gallery located on the third floor of Kellogg Library.
The exhibit, Multiply by Six Million: Portraits and Stories of Holocaust Survivors, features 38 photographs, by contemporary photographer Evvy Eisen. Eisen worked 15 years to put this project together. The Holocaust survivors are all residents of California. The gallery also includes a 24-minute DVD, which guests may watch to gain more insight on the survivor’s moving stories.
Multiply by Six Million gives visitors a one-of-a-kind look into the lives of the people who lived through one of the worst genocides of humanity. Each person featured in the exhibit moved from Europe to the United States.
According to a document at the exhibit, these photographs and uplifting stories are included in the archives of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, the Simon Wiesenthal Center in L.A. and the Centre de Documentation Juive Comtemporaine in Paris, France.
Tomorrow, March 9, the Arts and Lectures Series presents an event featuring Holocaust survivor, author, Academy Award winner and Human Rights Activist, Gerda Weissmann Klein. Weissmann Klein lived as a teenager through the horrors of the Holocaust. She will present her story of the fantastic measures she took to stay alive and escape to the United States. Weissmann Klein was one of the recipients of the United States 2010 Medal of Freedom. The event will feature a film screening, lecture and reception. The Leichtag Family Foundation is co-sponsoring the event. The event will take place in Arts 240 at 6 p.m.
Also happening tomorrow is a walk-through of the portraits with Dr. Andrea Liss, Professor of Art History and Cultural Theory. The event begins at 1 p.m. during library business hours and is free to the public.
To learn more about the exhibit and photographer Evvy Eisen go to and to learn more about the upcoming events at CSUSM, e-mail [email protected].