I’ve been seeing a girl for the past couple of months. I think we might be in love, but she refuses to spend all her time with me. Is this normal? I would love to hang out with her and devote all my time to her the way I see other couples do, but she seems to avoid me. Am I trying too hard?
What is the problem with this situation? This is a sign of a healthy relationship. I don’t see a problem with your girlfriend taking time for herself and pursue her interests and hobbies that make her happy. She is clearly doing it so that you both aren’t “smothering” each other in the relationship. Time apart will benefit your relationship in the long run.
I dated a girl and later found out she was only using me. I am now seeing someone new but am still having doubts about a new relationship.
Unfortunately, what she did to you was wrong. But there is a way to prevent it from happening: honesty. In any relationship, whether it is new or old, honesty is the best policy. I suggest that you sit her down and talk to her; tell her that you expect complete honesty from her. Communication will help you both gain realistic expectations regarding the relationship’s progress as you spend more time together.