Academic dishonesty has been prevalent in the past few years. Professors have had to keep an eye out for misinformation in students’ essays, a student impersonating one of their peers when taking an exam, and plagiarism. But now, professors and teachers all around the world must be aware of the use of artificial intelligence and its infringement on the education system. Instead of stressing the consequences of taking a student’s exam in exchange for money, professors now must state that the use of artificial intelligence can lead to being written up to the dean of the university.
The consequences of employing AI have not ceased the widespread use of it. AI has evolved from misquoting sources, generating inaccurate statistics, and utilizing flawless grammar to becoming almost undetectable to the naked eye. Professors have begun to run assignments through AI detectors, which students are now finding ways to avoid.
Students all around the world are using AI for their own benefit, and students at Cal State San Marcos are no different. When Melanie Jara, a first year Chemistry major at Cal State San Marcos, was asked why she uses AI she responded, “I primarily use AI for math.” she said, “…I do it for the explanations.” She claims that AI aids her in understanding problems she is struggling with, adjusting the problem to her “learning level.”
This claim is not unheard of. In classrooms, it has been seen that AI has been assisting students to perceive problems from a different perspective or in other words. AI is a profound form of technology and can summarize information that best suits a student’s needs. It has also been seen as a suitable tool when needing an idea for an essay, feedback on work, or creating study guides.
Though, many people believe that the reliance on AI is the beginning of the devolution of critical thinking. As artificial intelligence evolves, the brains of the young generations remain stagnant. It has been studied that students have developed an overdependence on AI. Overdependence blinds the user into disregarding the potential wrong information that artificial intelligence produces, which leads to lack of research and reliance on a computer. AI has enabled an entire generation to turn to it rather than their own critical thinking and prior education.
But few agree that critical thinking is at stake.
Professor Ash Fogle is a lecturer in the Social Science department at Cal State San Marcos and teaches Introduction to Social Science and Social Issues and Popular Culture, where AI is discussed.
Professor Fogle says that the use of AI has been prevalent in the past year, especially in papers that she assigns to her students. Even surprisingly, reflective journals, she said, “you could tell that it was computer generation [instead of a student’s own reflections].” But despite the use of artificial intelligence in her classroom, Professor Fogle says she perceives AI as, “a tool in a toolbox.” While critical and analytic thinking is a component of the human brain that is potentially at risk, there are ways artificial intelligence can illuminate our thoughts.
“I think it can help people evolve their critical thinking, but it involves taking an extra step,” Fogle said, “If you can take information and formulate an argument, that’s great, but you really have to reflect on that and understand how an argument was put together.”
In many ways, artificial intelligence can amplify our arguments. The use of artificial intelligence does not have to be the end of analysis or critical thinking as long as we utilize it correctly.
But as AI evolves, will it become a threat to education?