Websites such as, and are selling audio tracks which provide the listener with similar side effects of taking specific drugs.
These listening experiences are known as “sonic drugs” and “idosing.”
According to, “Sonic drugs work through binaural beats — the playing of two slightly different tones and frequencies into both ears simultaneously.”
Many sites, including, provide online shoppers with the ability to purchase audio tracks appropriately titled to the effects they have on the listener. Some tracks offered on the site include “Deep Sleep” which is said to help with sleep-related disorders, “Quit Smoking” which helps the listener to quit smoking and “Stop Alcohol Abuse” which helps the listener treat alcoholism.
While some tracks assist in treating disorders and addictions, there are also other websites which offer audio experiences that provide the effects of stimulants, both legal and illegal. Experts are advising caution when approaching these audio tracks.
“It’s not like you listen to an i-dose for crack cocaine and the next day you’re smoking a crack pipe […] But I do think that if you have an impressionable 13 – 14-year-old kid that does an idose, it may drop their inhibition if they’re presented with the real drug to try it,” addictions specialist Dr. Gregory Smith said in an interview with Colleen Williams of NBCLA.
One website that offers this legal listening experience is i-doser. com. Some of the MP3 tracks sold on the site provide the listener with the effects of anti-depressants, inspiration and confidence. However, some tracks are named after and provide the listener with the effects of illegal substances including marijuana, cocaine and LSD.