The average American typically consumes about 5 lbs. of food during Thanksgiving, according to Cathy Ngyuyen, Health Educator at Palomar Pomerado Health Center PPH; that is more food than we consume in an average day, let alone one meal.
“A 2006 study published in the ‘Nutrition Journal’ studied the impact of Thanksgiving on college students […] the average weight gain was 0.5 kg, or just over 1 lb. […] the authors note that weight gain that occurs in such a short time period may cause long-term health issues,” writer Carolyn Williams said in her article “How Many Calories Does The Average Person Consume At Thanksgiving.”
So you may ask, how in the world am I going to stay healthy during Thanksgiving? It’s actually not as difficult as it may seem. Ngyuyen has a simple seven-step plan: 1. Drink more water. 2. Load up on veggies. 3. Snack ahead. 4. Serve smaller portions. 5. Walk/exercise. 6. Plan ahead. 7. Stay away from trigger foods, (stuff that might push you overboard). That’s it. That’s all we have to do.
“Make the most of your meals. Be sensible with your servings. Have a strategy, a plan. That’s the best advice.” Ngyuyen said.
Students felt the same way when asked what they plan on doing to stay healthy over Thanksgiving.
The main point is to consume less food and exercise more. A simple walk in the neighborhood after dinner, or maybe taking one less spoonful of those mashed potatoes and you’ll be fine. To help yourself out in preparation for the occasion, you can use these tips to help you throughout the year to ensure a fit and healthy body.