Kelsey Gunion, a sophomore Mass Media major, is one talented student. She juggles school, friends, family and sports. Her passion is soccer and has been for the past 17 years of her life. I sat down with her and asked her about her experiences playing for CSUSM.
Fredrick Misleh – What’s your practice schedule like?
Kelsey Gunion – For the fall, we practice from noon – 2 p.m. every day, and then we have games. For spring, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday we practice at 6:15 a.m., and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we practice from noon – 2 p.m.
FM – And how does that impact your school life?
KG – It makes you more tired due to practice every day. It also impacts school, because there’s certain classes you want to get, but you can’t because it interferes with the practice schedule.
FM – What advice would you give to students who are thinking of joining the women’s soccer team?
KG – First off, stay on top of school, because school is more important. If you want to join, you have to work hard. It takes a lot of responsibility. You have to apply yourself fully to the team. Homework is not an excuse to ditch [practice].