On Thursday April 5, award-winning filmmaker Saul Landau will present his documentary “Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up?” at CSUSM.
Landau is a world-renowned scholar and has produced more than 40 films and written 14 books on social and political issues.
“Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up?” observes American relations with Cuba. Through this documentary, Landau reveals the undocumented and questionable tactics America used in the hopes of squashing Cuba’s communist government.
The film features Danny Glover who poses key questions as to the reasoning behind the aggressive tactics the United States put forth against Cuba.
Fidel Castro, at the age of 84, is also featured in several snippets that play throughout the film.
At one point in the film, Castro asks, “How would Washington like it if Cuban planes flew over their city constantly?”
The film maintains a neutral tone throughout its duration and interviews individuals who are Cuban revolutionaries as well as Cubans who are counter-revolutionary and maintain a high level of disdain for Castro’s communist regime.
Landau’s website described him as currently being Professor Emeritus at CSU Pomona and Senior Fellow at and Vice Chair of the Institute for Policy Studies. He has received numerous awards for raising awareness on worldwide human rights and continues to raise awareness through film and literature.
The event begins at 5 p.m. in The Clarke, room 113.