With commencement nearing, the 4th annual Senior Class Gift Campaign is attempting to reach their goal of $4,000.
The campaign makes it a point for graduating CSUSM students to donate for the well-being of current and future CSUSM students and their college experiences.
While any amount of money is an acceptable contribution, there is a recommended donation of $20.12, as representative of the seniors’ class year.
According to the Senior Class Gift Campaign website, “By making a Senior Class Gift of any size, you will make a significant difference in the quality of programs, the lives of students, and the atmosphere on campus!”
The website also states why graduating seniors should make contributions for reasons such as boosting CSUSM’s national rankings, to be listed in the commencement program as a donor and to create an environment of giving back.
The campaign has raised almost $1,500 so far.
To make a donation to the campaign, go to, fill out a donation form and drop it off in Craven Hall, Room 5308-B.
“The goal is participation rather than a particular dollar amount,” Associate Director for Annual Programs, Sean Briner, said.