By Rebekah Green
Cal State San Marcos’ InterVarsity is an organization open to all students as a place for community, leadership, and growing in faith.
“As an organization, we’re trying to provide a place where students can explore who God is,” said full-time staff member Ramiro Marchena. “What does it mean to follow Jesus and what does it mean as a college student?”
InterVarsity provides a safe space for students to explore these questions and more. It is also a place for students to build up their leadership and serving skills and reach out to the community of North County and beyond (such as past relief concerts to raise money for victims of the Haitian earthquake and Japanese tsunami). InterVarsity is open to all students and the organization itself has many student leaders.
“InterVarsity is an interdenominational community. [We’re a] place where all types of people can come together. What we hope to offer is a space [on campus] to explore faith,” Marchena said.
Besides community work, the organization provides a number of events and opportunities for all students to join in and get involved. Weekly Bible study groups are held on campus during U-hour and at night in various locations.
At 7 p.m. Wednesdays InterVarsity holds a weekly large group meeting at the Clarke Field House. Check out for detailed information on these events and more.
Students can also email to [email protected], or contact Ramiro Marchena at 858-243-4276 for more information. InterVarsity’s national website is, where you can donate, find a chapter, or a college.