By Karla Reyes
Staff Writer
Thanks to Campus Rec and The Clarke, the CSUSM intramural program gives students the opportunity to play team sports through out the year with no tryouts necessary.
Intramurals provide students with the opportunity to make up their own teams and to play and compete with friends and fellow classmates. The fall semester offers men’s flag football, women’s powder puff football and co-ed softball, while the spring semester offers co-ed soccer, basketball and volleyball.
In order for students to participate, each intramural sport has various requirements and regulations, as well as a small registration fee and paperwork that must be completed at The Clarke Field House information desk.
Currently being offered are men’s seven vs. seven flag football (which is no longer accepting team applications). It holds a minimum of seven and a maximum of 12 players which can include one faculty or staff member per team on each roster. The team registration fee was $50 and teams are currently playing on Fridays and Saturdays until Oct. 27.
Currently accepting applications until Wednesday Oct. 31 is women’s six vs. six powder puff football. Powder puff is limited to a maximum of 10 teams and does require each player to be currently enrolled in at least six units, with the exception of the one faculty or staff member. Games will be played at CSUSM lower field on the corner of Craven and Twin Oaks, on Nov. 2 and 3. The registration fee is $40 per team.
Also currently accepting applications until Wednesday, Nov. 7, is co-ed 10 vs. 10 softball, which is limited to a maximum of eight teams. Each team must have at least three women and three men and requires a $50 registration fee. Games are tentatively set to play on Fridays and Saturdays from Nov. 9 through Dec. 1 at Hollandia Field off of Mission Blvd in San Marcos, next to Mission Hills High School.
Some intramural sports even allow the possibility for students to play against other universities in the county and across the nation. In the case of flag football, the winning CSUSM team gets the chance to play in regionals against other university champions. Last year, the regional championship was held at UCLA and the winners of the regionals were given the opportunity to go to Florida and play in the national championship game.
To sign up a team or to find more information about the intramural sports and prices, visit the Campus Recreation website at or contact Sonya-Starr Mclin at [email protected].
Spring intramural sports information will be available in Spring 2013.