By Keandre Williams-Chambers
Staff Writer
On Oct. 4, recruiters from various industries were looking for a few good students at the Career Expo on library plaza.
As part of the many expos and fairs that CSUSM hosts, the Career Expo showcases some of the job opportunities college students will encounter when they graduate. a Many available jobs were finely tailored to specific majors and fields of study, others focused more on informing students about different companies and their workforces.
Many students walked about the aisles of displays, with either resumes in hand or information at the ready to present to the recruiters. Others simply used the opportunity to began thinking of the options available for them after their college experience is complete. More than eager to share, many vendors handed out pamphlets as well as eye-catching trinkets to entice students to come and learn more about the jobs they offered.
This is expected to be one of the last events of this scale for the semester, aside from an Etiquette Dinner, which is scheduled in late October. For information or career guidance, check their Career Center’s page on the CSUSM website, go to the Career Center in Craven 1400 or contact them via telephone at 760-750-4900 or email ([email protected]).