By Faith Orcino
Staff Writer
After its first release in 2010, Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque’s comic “American Vampire” still keeps readers on the edge.
On Wednesday, Oct. 31, the series continues strong with the release of “American Vampire” No. 32.
Batman writer Scott Snyder brings his twists and terrors with the help of Blue Beetle artist, Rafael Albuquerque, to develop a new take on the classic monster. Main characters Skinner Sweet and Pearl Jones challenge the limits of the old European vampiric groups with their American-born mutation. The books take readers through the history of the U.S., starting in the old west and gradually going into the 20th century as the monsters blend into the nation’s ever-changing society.
Snyder and Albuquerque employed the help of writer Stephen King and artists Sean Murphy and Dustin Nguyen along with others to keep the blood running through the veins of the comics.
For easy reading, Vertigo Comics released volume collections of the issues. They divided issues one through 27 into four volumes and volume 3 includes the first spin-off series, “American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest.”
Visit or your local vendor for more information on the series and where you can buy the new and old issues.