By Katlin Sweeney
Features Editor
Senior Jacob Ranger is a communications major and a shooting guard on CSUSM’s basketball team. He has big goals and looks forward to another season with his teammates.
Q: When did you start playing basketball?
A: I first started playing basketball when I was in the third grade with my dad teaching me the game. This then led to me joining a club team in Santa Barbara, California in the fourth grade.
Q: What first attracted you to the sport?
A: I was first attracted to the sport of basketball by how fast it was compared to all the other sports that I tried to play. It was the most fun for me.
Q: What has your experience with the team at CSUSM been like so far?
A: The experience with my team here at CSUSM has been wonderful. We are like a family away from our own families. We are all like brothers to one another.
Q: What are your goals for this season?
A: My goals for this season are to reach the tournament and win the NAIA national championship.
Q: What is your favorite thing about basketball?
A: My favorite thing about basketball is competing against other teams and beating them.
Q: Who are your biggest supporters?
A: My biggest supporters are my family. They have been by my side through thick and thin and have supported me ever since I started playing the game.
Q: What is the best advice you ever received from a coach, supporter, etc.?
A: The best advice I received is that hard work outworks talent when talent doesn’t work hard, from my dad when I was little.
Q: Do you plan on pursuing anything basketball-related after college?
A: I plan on pursuing basketball after college, whether it’s coaching the game or continuing playing the game.