By Ryan Downs & Katlin Sweeney
Staff Writers
One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime. One billion women violated is an atrocity. One billion women dancing is a revolution.
With this intriguing premise provided on the CSUSM website by the Gender Equity Center, One Billion Rising is an event that leaps off the page. This worldwide movement seeks to end violence and gender discrimination through raising awareness. If you are a student that is looking for something a bit more meaningful to take part in on Valentine’s Day, you are in luck, because the movement is coming to CSUSM. The One Billion Rising event will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. in front of the library.
“Most women suffer abuse or death at the hands of someone who claims that they love them. That’s why Eve Ensler, the creator of the world-famous “The Vagina Monologues,” came up with the idea of the event on Valentine’s Day, which is a day when everyone typically thinks of things like romance and love,” Gender Equity Center Director Lea Burgess-Carland said.
One Billion Rising brings together hundreds of millions of women from all over the globe so that they can take a day to march, dance and stand for an end to violence towards women. It is an enormous program that does not occur in just one location, and there are centers all over the world where celebrations are being held, including in San Diego.
“It’s important to bring this event to CSUSM because women in their college years are at the highest risk for sexual assault. Even one woman suffering from sexual assault is too many for me,” Gender Violence Educator Raven Gates said.
As part of the event, women all over the school will leave their classes and attend a large dance in Kellogg Circle, after which busses will arrive to transport any interested parties to San Diego to take part in the festivities there.
“This is something that connects women all over the world. It’s exciting because it’s symbolic not just here, as something that we are doing in solidarity. It is all over the world and is spreading positive energy. And not only will dancing for this cause bring awareness, but it is a lot of fun,” Burgess-Carland said.
“The silence has to be broken, with students and everyone, taking that first step towards making a change,” Gates said.
For those interested in participating in the dance practices for the event or would like to get involved somehow, pick up a pledge sheet in the Gender Equity Center. You can also visit their website at or check out the Gender Equity-Center on Facebook. Their goal is to get at least fifty participants, practices for the dance occurring every Tuesday and Thursday from noon. to 1 p.m., all being welcome to attend and participate.