By Keandre Williams-Chambers
Staff Writer
Many students are aware of the CSUSM LGBTQA Pride Center on campus, but there is also another club that shares a similar name: the LGBTQA Club.
The LGBTQA Pride Center, located in Commons 201, is described as a “welcoming and inclusive space for all students, staff, faculty, and friends to socialize, study, make new friends, and build community.”
The area is open to all who are interested and open-minded, or even curious about the environment that is present here. The Center is a host to many in-house events, such as discussion groups, game nights and movie nights, with an occasional night of karaoke to spice things up. Whether you are looking for information or simply a place to hang out, this is an option available to students.
The LGBTQA Pride center is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday – Thursday, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays. For more information about the center and events, stop by at any time during those hours. The LGBTQA Club is a student org that is welcoming visitors and members as it continues to grow over time. Their goals are to promote a safe environment for all students and staff, as well as to educate students on issues relating to the LGBTQ community.
The club also has hopes to advocate for a more comprehensive LGBT curriculum and generate a larger field of understanding on LGBT topics. The LGBTQA Club holds meetings every Thursday during U-hour in Kellogg 3010 unless otherwise noted.
For more information about the club, attendance to the meetings is open to students and staff. While the LGBTQA Club and the Pride Center share similarities in purpose, both have unique experiences to offer the students and staff that join them. The meetings are open and they look forward to meeting new people during the semester.