By Keandre Williams-Chambers
Staff Writer
It can be expected that after a month of Gaypril festivities and as the school year draws to a close, the LGBTQA Pride Center will close in a way worth remembering.
During U-hour on April 30, the campus was ablaze with color and voices as the 2nd Annual Pride Walk took place. Supporters, staff, friends, family and even spectators took part in the march across campus to close out the Gaypril festivities. With strong messages such as “Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Homophobia has got to go!” and “We’re here, we’re queer! We’re fabulous so don’t f*** with us,” it would be surprising if students on campus weren’t aware of what was going on. With the march culminating to an empowerment circle in the library plaza, students and staff alike celebrated their voice with words of encouragement and peer recognition. Taking place on the very last day of Gaypril, the students and staff made the message clear that there are people against homophobia in CSUSM and on any campus or public setting.
On the evening of May 3, an exclusive event called “The Rainbow Recognition Awards” was hosted at the McMahan House in honor of graduating students that have made positive strides for the LGBTQA community on campus. Alongside the honors bestowed upon the graduates, students and staff were presented with awards for their selfless contributions toward making the school a safer place for all students. Emotions ran high for hosts and recipients alike as all reflected on the work they had done in the past year and further back. Graduates remembered the good times with tear-filled eyes and looked towards the future as advocates for change and transcending tolerance to a level of acceptance for all.
A special mention is in order for the Relay for Life taking place on the track by the McMahan House. Though scheduling seemed to be a conflict, it is hoped that there were not feelings of competition to be heard.
Remember, students and staff, change starts with us. In the words of Harvey Milk, openly gay political activist in the late ’60s and throughout the ’70s until his untimely assassination, “All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.” College is a place in which we can realize that potential. And let’s face it: we’re all still young, aren’t we?