By Abel Castillo
Staff Writer
School is starting again and it can mean many things to different people. For some, it’s the beginning of their first year and for others, the beginning of their last. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, the feeling of starting a new year is all the same. With a set list like this, anyone can look at the new school year with a positive attitude.
“It’s Time” by Imagine Dragons:
This upbeat and hopeful song is sure to put a spring in the step of anyone entering the class on the first day. The idea of growing up, as Imagine Dragons talks about, is something that freshman and seniors can relate to without feeling any sort of regret in the process.
“Cherub Rock” by Smashing Pumpkins:
Instead of feeling hopeful, this upbeat song gives a sense of coming together. The feeling of being together, be it in the same class or of the same mindset, is a feeling anyone would want coming back to school.
“Learn to Fly” by Foo Fighters:
School has begun and now all anyone would want to do is soar through the skies to this song’s heavenly riffs. But no one can fly by themselves at first. We look for a sign of life; looking to the sky to be saved.
“I’ve Got A Feeling” by The Beatles:
Everybody has some sort of feeling about the upcoming school year, be it good or bad. Before we start working on finding X, we look back at the past year and remember how everybody had a good, or for a few, a hard year with this song that’s both explosive and calm.
“More than a Feeling” by Boston:
I feel that it was only appropriate to finish off this Back to School Jam set list with this song. Why finish it off with this song you ask? Through the godly solos and almost melancholy tone, we feel that we’re both welcoming the new school year but also saying goodbye to summer in the process.