By Alison Seagle
Staff Writer
Walkers and joggers have a route that offers them a fresh breeze with a hint of salt, accompanied by an oceanic soundtrack.
Right along Carlsbad Beach, either down by the water or up by Coast Highway, this spot offers beautiful cliffs to gaze upon the stunning and stress reducing views of the coastline.
The path above the cliffs is relatively flat and is a conglomerate of sidewalk, dirt, seawall and sand. There are many free places to park along Coast Highway. Despite being right along the road, the crashing waves drown out the sound of traffic. The steady ocean breeze sweeps away the smog from vehicles, making it a very enjoyable outing.
Running or walking down by the water is also another option. Besides the excitement of being close to the water, there are many benefits to running and walking on the sand. Doing so helps develop coordination, balance and lower body strength. It is also easier on joints and burns more calories than running on other surfaces.
Not as many people crowd this area of Carlsbad beach between Palomar Airport Road and Tamarack State Beach because the cliffs create limited beach access, but they create gorgeous views as well. Signs are posted in some areas warning about the cliffs, but even from a safe distance the views are great.
Get out and moving along the beautiful Carlsbad coastline and watch your stress melt away with every step.
More information about Carlsbad’s trails, beaches and parks, as well as a map of the trails can be found at this address: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/departments/parksandrec/trails/Pages/citywide-trails-map-north.aspx.