Netflix Review: Hemlock Grove review

Essence Sanders, Staff Writer

With the Halloween season approaching, it’s time to get obsessed with shows that get us in the spirit of Halloween.

The first one that comes to mind is the Netflix original series titled “Hemlock Grove”. It is based on the book by Brian Mcgreevy and co-produced by the horror film mastermind Eli Roth. Roth directed films like “Hostel” and other cult classics such as “Cabin Fever” and “Grindhouse”. This series has many complex layers that at first are a bit overwhelming, but viewers familiar with Roth know this is what he excels in. This is a style viewers will quickly learn to enjoy from this director.

Seasoned Hollywood actors like Dougray Scott and Famke Janssen act alongside newcomers Bill Skarsgard and Landon Liboiron. Swedish actor  Skarsgard plays Roman Godfrey, filthy rich bad boy of the secretive, small town named Hemlock Grove. His family owns a very strange pharmaceutical company where the bulk of the series’ issues lie. Liboiron plays a very stereotypical “gypsy” by the name of Peter Rumancek, who stumbles into Hemlock Grove in the middle of a slew of murders that he becomes the prime suspect for. His rugged and nonchalant personality is a near perfect foil to Roman which creates a whole other mess of drama. This show has some very interesting supernatural elements. If you are a fan of shows like “True Blood”, “Supernatural” or “The Vampire Diaries” this is definitely up your alley.
Hair-raising and eerie, “Hemlock Grove” is a sure add-on to your long awaited weekends.