Heart Beat: Incoming freshmen adjusting accordingly

Aubree Pickard, Heart Beat Columnist

Summer’s over and classes have begun. How are we all adjusting? It’d be my guess that most of you are slowly conforming to each new class’s demands, and adapting to a life that is a far cry from what you’re used to.

With an increase in freedom, comes an increase in responsibility. You’re now in charge of your time management, as well as a lot of the decisions that your teachers and parents once made for you. When do you find time to study? Make an attempt at your social life? Or even make time to exercise? Getting in the swing of things can seem impossible. We’ve all been there.

Lucky for you, I’m here to help! Adapting to a new environment can be tough, so let me give you a few ways to make it a little easier on you.

When it comes to studying, prioritize your time. Finding time everyday devoted to studying is crucial for your success during your first semester. Prioritizing keeps you organized, and gives you a sense of what needs to get done by the deadlines given. Finding a good balance between studying, making time for yourself and remembering to sleep, all work in sync for your ultimate success academically.

One crucial tip for achieving academic success is to stay active and get frequent exercise in between those killer hours of homework. Exercise relieves stress, improves sleep quality and boosts brain power. The dreaded “freshman 15” will be a thing of the past for you.

Our nickname here at CSUSM just so happens to be Stairmaster-U. Look at the stairs as a tool. Incorporating them into your daily commute to and from class offers a quick boost in heart rate, increasing your focus and concentration for your next class. Even if you have a break in between classes, take a couple laps around the track to keep those legs busy.

Get involved now. Engaging in extracurricular activity has never been easier; CSUSM has an array of student organizations, intramural sport teams, fraternities, sororities and academic societies for students to join. These are all great ways to have fun and develop lasting friendships.

The Clarke offers outdoor adventures such as backpacking in the Sierra’s and bungee jumping. The Clarke Field House also offers several different exercise classes to help keep you on track physically. More information can be found at http://www.csusm.edu/rec/about/index.html.
Take advantage of the various resources we offer in order to make an easy transition from highschool. and to ultimately We want you to get the most out of your first year here at CSUSM!