‘Toil and Trouble’ Review

Comic Book Corner


Faith Orcino, Arts and Entertainment Editor


Many have seen and read William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth,” but the comic “Toil and Trouble” brings the story through a different point of view by using a more modern narrative.

Created by writer Mairghread Scott, the comic follows Smertae, who recently returns to her homeland and reunites with her sisters Riata and Cait. While their names are unfamiliar, their roles make up the familiar Three Witches.

Scott transforms them into characters that resemble the Fates of Greek mythology, who must allow the oracles to come to fruition. Paired with mystical companions, the trio watches as the great battle in Scotland commences. Smertae and her sisters curse and cast ailments onto the men, unseen by the mortals. They continue to follow the path of time, until the day of the fight.

Sisters Kelly and Nicole Matthews present Scott’s retelling of the Shakespearean classic in stunning form.

There is a unique softness to the Matthews sisters’ art, but it does not deter away from the tragic story. Rather, it allows for more attention to be focused on the more dark and powerful moments, especially when magic is brought into play. It helps as Scott uses first person narration via Smertae and forms the witches into very formidable characters.

The third issue of this six-part series hit shelves on Nov. 4. For those who want to catch up and avoid missing upcoming installments, visit www.boomstudios.com to grab a subscription or check your local comic vendors. I highly recommend this series to both fans of comics and classic literature.