Jazz ensemble singer works to teach musical diversity

School of Art spotlight

Essence Sanders, School of Arts Correspondent


While it may be that time of the semester where you find yourself on the verge of a mental breakdown, there are plenty of fun events to attend near campus that can momentarily take your mind off the extraneous amounts of assignments.

Among many upcoming campus organized events are the Tukwut Jazz Ensemble performances that will begin this month.

“If someone is overwhelmed in school and needs to clear their head and relax, jazz music is really good for taking your mind off of things,” said ensemble member and vocalist, Mariah Burot.

The Tukwut Jazz Ensemble is composed of students in MUSC 396, who will perform after practicing as a group twice a week for over two months. These performances will also enlighten audience members to an older style of music, since they won’t include the Top 40 songs we are used to hearing.

Butor, a senior majoring in Business Management, is not new to the Jazz world. With a mother and father who are prevalent in the Jazz community, Butor is one of the three talented vocalists in the ensemble this semester.

When asked what she hopes students would take away from these performances Butor replied, “I hope audience members can find an appreciation for Jazz music, that they aren’t used to listening too. Jazz music is very free flowing and can turn people off because it isn’t as structured, but once you hear it, it’s amazing!”

She encourages those who may not be fans of the musical genre to be open minded about attending the shows.

“Although we [perform] a lot of music that our parents would listen to, if you are a lover of music you’ll just appreciate the quality, and in that you should enjoy the show,” said Butor.

Anything that can take my mind off school for even five minutes is worth a try. Not being a jazz connoisseur, I figured I’d step out of my comfort zone, kick back, relax and attend one of the upcoming shows.

Try something new and support the Tukwut Jazz Ensemble at their next show, which will feature a solo performance by Mariah, at 6 p.m on Nov. 12 at the Old California Cafe on San Marcos Blvd.