CSUSM hosts Veterans Day events

Week-long celebration honors veterans


Tiffany Trent, Assistant Opinion Editor


Veterans Day honors American veterans who have served the country with honor. CSUSM celebrates this holiday with various events throughout November.

The Veterans Center will host several events in honor of Veterans Day during the second week of November. Beginning Nov. 9, there will be an event every day until Nov. 13.

The first event the Veterans Center will hold is the Veteran Staff and Faculty Appreciation Lunch. This will be at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 9 in the USU ballroom.

On Nov. 10, the Veterans Center will host a Veterans Day Observance during U-hour. There will be cake, conversation and a guest speaker, Literature and Writing studies professor, Dr. Susie Lan Cassel.

Cassel was a Ground-Launched Cruise Missile Operator in the Gulf War and was a Captain when she separated from the military, ending her active duty.

“Everyone is welcome to come, including students, family members and friends,” said Veterans Coordinator, Vicki Hernandez.

Another event, the Veterans Resource Fair, will take place in the Veterans Center on Nov. 12 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. This fair will provide available resources and information to all veteran students.

CSUSM’s first Vet Net Ally workshop will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Nov. 13 in the USU ballroom. This program is meant to help raise awareness of the challenges veteran students face as well as the strengths they bring to higher education.

General military culture and norms will be discussed at the workshop along with a panel of veteran CSUSM students who will talk about their experiences at the university. This program requires participants to RSVP online prior to the workshop.

If you would like to become a Vet Ally, please attend the workshops. In order to become a Vet Ally, you need to attend the workshop in its entirety. Visit the Veterans Center website to RSVP at www.csusm.edu/veterans.