MEChA brings 18th annual Raza Empowerment Conference to CSUSM


Katlin Sweeney, Editor-in-Chief


Members of the student organization Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA) are organizing an on-campus conference to empower students to pursue higher education.

The seven hour conference, which is scheduled for Saturday, March 5, at CSUSM, brings approximately 300 middle and high school students from North County and San Diego areas. Students and parents tour the campus, have their photo taken with the Cesar Chavez statue, attend a tabling fair with members of various community organizations and attend workshops on topics, such as applying for financial aid and how to enroll in college.

This year, attendees will also see performances from Danza Azteca and the Black Student Union step team. There will also be a keynote speech given by department chair Dr. Sharon Elise and Dr. Christopher Bickel, both from the Sociology Department.

MEChA member and conference organizer Selena Arellano has been involved with the Raza Empowerment Conference for the last three years. She said that organizing the conference has been a rewarding experience and helped her connect with new people.

“I want the students coming to this conference to feel like they are doing something other than just filling the A-G requirements they make you follow in high school,” she said. “Of course there are mandatory seminars that participants have to go to, but I want them to be empowered about learning about identity and art and learn about being a student activist.”

Arellano said that funding the conference relies heavily on fundraising efforts by MEChA and donations from various departments and offices on campus. In particular, the Office of Student Affairs donated free parking on the sixth floor of the parking structure for the day of the conference.

The Raza Empowerment Conference is open to any students who are interested in activism, supporting local youth and learning more about identity. To register for the conference, visit

For those interested in volunteering for the conference, contact Maria Sandoval at [email protected].