CFA Fight for Five: Faculty voice their reasons to strike

Jeffrey Davis & Tiana Morton

Left to Right: Jerry Breckon, Dale Metcalfe, Wayne Aitken, Jacqueline A. Trischman, Oliver Berghof, Laurie Stowell, and Marcos Martinez

Shanice Davis and Andrea Martinez

Jerry Breckon, M.A.


Political Science Department

I am striking if it comes to a strike. I will definitely participate and the reason for that is it’s time for a pay raise for faculty. That’s where the emphasis needs to be, the priority needs to be, because that also reflects upon the students and what’s done for them. So I’d fully participate in the strike and feel that if it becomes necessary, that’s what will happen. Do the right thing, [CSU trustees].”

Dale Metcalfe, Ph.D


Literature & Writing Studies Department

“I think it’s students’ issue, I think it’s faculty’s issue, I think it’s parents’ issue…we need to

support a strong educational system…California’s historically done that…It’s sad to see it being

eroded by underpaying academic professionals.”

Wayne Aitken, Ph.D


Department of Mathematics

“The CSU underfunds instructional expenditures and this negatively affects the value of a degree

from [the] CSU. If CSU faculty will not take a strong stand on this issue, higher education will

continue to be underfunded in California, especially in the CSU.”

Jacqueline A. Trischman, Ph.D


Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

“I think the Chancellor is showing a complete lack of understanding of the implications of his

actions. The message that I think is coming across to students loud and clear is that educators are

not important and that it is fine to balance your budget on the backs of your workforce. Twenty

years from now, when our students are the leaders of the state, we will be wondering why they

do not place value on their education system or on their workforce, and we can point to this

period and see exactly why.”

Oliver Berghof, Ph.D


Literature & Writing Studies Department

“The faculty at the CSU has not gotten a raise for a significant period of time and our salaries are

now such that those of us who have been working for the CSU for a long time are at a point

where we can no longer support our families…because we are not being paid competitive

salaries…The state of California has taken some time to recover from the financial crisis of 2007

and 2008 and it started to increase the salaries of community college teachers and of UC teachers

but at the Cal States, we are finding that the administration is not willing to come to the

negotiating table to give us a reasonable increase in our salaries.”

Laurie Stowell, Ph.D


Department of Education

“The CSU has not treated us fairly. Faculty, all faculty give their all to the students and their

campuses, but the chancellor is not willing to provide a fair wage. When they didn’t have the

money, we took a 10 percent pay cut during the furlough year. We were good colleagues and

collaborators, but that has not been returned in kind…Many of our faculty and lecturers can’t

really afford to live on their salaries. I also worry that we will not be able to attract quality

faculty to our system when we hire new faculty…While students’ fees and tuition have risen,

faculty salaries have not risen proportionately…They have the money to give us a 5 percent raise

and we appreciate the student’s support.

Marcos Martinez, M.A.


School of Arts

“I’m striking because it’s the right thing to do, we haven’t had a raise in close to 10 years. When

we had the furloughs back in 2008, the administration was saying ‘Oh you guys going furlough,

we’ll work out our problems and you will be compensated later,’ and then that went away and

they went back on their word…Administrators have been getting raises annually and it’s just

unfair. I think the importance of this strike is that it’s not just about faculty and the CSU, but it’s

about the integrity of people standing together to have a better life and making that example not

just for students and the state of California, but for the country.”