Halloween costumes you can make at home

Rebecca Sykes, Sports Editor

Want to dress up for Halloween without spending big bucks on a costume? Getting creative and making your own costume gives it a unique look without spending a lot of money for one night. It also gives you an opportunity to have fun while designing your own Halloween look.

Popsugar’s website suggested people dress up as a life-size bag of jelly beans for a unique costume idea.

First, you must find a clear trash bag and cut holes for the arms and legs. Then, fill the bag with colored balloons to create the look of jelly beans. Around the neck, tie a bow to close the “bag of jelly beans.”

If you have any black and white plaid or yellow plaid laying around, you and your best friend can dress up as Cher and Dee from Clueless. These costumes might not be the easiest to make but all you need is a yellow plaid skirt, yellow plaid jacket, a white tee to wear underneath and a long blonde wig for Cher. Dee wears a blue and white plaid skirt, black and white plaid jacket and a big, funny hat.

For those who love Zoolander, an easy DIY costume is to dress up as Derek Zoolander himself. All that’s needed is an all-black outfit, some makeup, a crazy-patterned headband and some slicked back hair. The most important accessory for this costume is to purse the lips.

Many enjoy the movie Mean Girls, especially the quotes. One famous line “She doesn’t even go here,” can easily become a costume. A blue hoodie, sunglasses and a piece of paper that says “She doesn’t even go here” is all that’s needed to be the iconic Damian character. This easy to make and will be the laugh of any party.

Animals are also easy to dress up as. If this is too commonplace, add the “TY” logo to be a beanie baby instead. All you need is to find an animal print outfit and sew the heart with the “TY” logo onto the outfit. You can also make the heart with a description of the beanie baby inside. Red paper, a hole punch, string and a pencil are the necessary supplies for the tag. Go to http://www.instructables.com/id/Beanie-Baby-Pet-Costume/ for instructions.

These costumes can be creative and fun without spending too much money. Also, creating a unique costume means you will not have to worry about someone else having the same costume.